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VOGUE   |   November 2020 

Founded in 2018 in Los Angeles, ANNIBODY creates high quality bodysuits to celebrate freedom and the beauty of women with a minimalist aesthtic. The essential collection features ultra soft fabrics, body-hugging fits and clean silhouettes, perfect fit layering outfits or solo wearing to elevate your everyday style.

SASSY HONG KONG   |   October 2020

Bodysuits are the order of the day at Annibody. The brand offers a selection of functional bodysuits, all of which are perfect for everyday styling. Each design is made to fit and hug your body comfortably, no matter your shape or size. Simply add jeans and you’re good to go! Read more>>

CLOZETTE    |    August 2020

Ciao, Bella! Annibody’s ‘Bella’ versatile one-shoulder bodysuit comes with a detachable tie such that we can easily modify its design according to our style and mood. This simple yet essential piece, made of stretchy modal-blend rib, highlights some of your upper body’s best features, including your neckline. Read more>>

THE FLORISTRY   |    October 2020

As autumn sets in, the days become shorter and we’re urged to spend time at home we’re channeling a slower pace. In collaboration with Hong Kong based brand Annibody, we’re looking forward to creating a self-care sanctuary at home with their easy cotton basics plus fresh florals, soft linens and that beautiful low autumn light. Read more>>

COSMOPOLITAN   |   22 May 2020

各位打工仔經常性長時間低頭滑手機和用電腦,久而久之出現導致頸部、背部,甚至膊頭的肌肉出現勞累和痠痛問題。肩頸膊痛的情況對上班族來說絕不陌生,一般的解決方法都是以按摩膏紓緩。這次COSMO就找來人氣瑜伽導師 Coffee 林芊妤來教大家3個拉筋動作來對抗肩頸膊痛,現在就一起跟著做吧!閱讀更多>>  

COSMOPOLITAN   |   11 May 2020

Annibody 的 bodysuit 十分適合喜愛日常簡約穿搭的女生,款式多以素色及 T-shirt 款為主,簡單配襯任何裙或褲便可出門,加上少了內褲的束縛,更感自在舒適( bodysuit 加入了簡易鈕扣設計,免卻了女生上廁所時的煩惱)。Bodysuit 也可以當防走光的內搭,可以配搭在恤衫或穿透的針織衫下層。閱讀更多>>

Vision Go HSBC   |   May 2020

美麗,是女人的終身事業,辛苦嗎?超辛苦! 要追趕社會、市場的標準,要徵詢KOL、閨密的意見,更要著緊男友、上司眼中的你,很累吧! 愛自己 - 由理念出發 ⋯⋯ 閱讀更多>>

POPBEE   |   July 2019


RECRUIT HK  |   July 2019

在WhatsApp group友人談論起一間網店售賣的衫,究竟是內衣還是著得出街?看見此一命題,筆者已經興味盎然。原來是一間叫annibody的網店,專營銷bodysuit。在annibody的ig見到近期爆紅的Coffee也穿,更加想深入追查。 annibody官網的介紹,bodysuit是女性的連身衣,下半身是內褲,而上半身設計卻十分...... 閱讀更多>>